
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Rules

We don't have a lot of rules for KidLitPit. We want to create an inclusive, welcoming and friendly pitch event where everyone feels they have had the opportunity to pitch to agents and publishers.  Rule 1: Be respectful. If you're not keen on someone's pitch, feel free not to comment on it.  Rule 2: 3 pitches total per author. You can pitch multiple books, you can use mood boards and graphics but three pitches only.  Rule 3: If you're an agent please like a post. This will let the author know you would like to hear more from them.  Rule 4: If you're not an agent, please only comment on posts. Everyone gets so excited to have a 'like' only to find out it's someone kind being supportive and not an agent like after all. We are changing to comments only this year because we feel that comments and conversations about posts increases visibility much more than retweets.  Rule 5: Please only pitch query ready manuscripts. Make the most of the opportunity by bein...

When is #KidLitPit?

During out last pitch contest, there was a lot of confusion on when KidLitPit started.  This time round, to avoid confusion, #KidLitPit will start at midnight, your time. This does mean that #KidLitPit will last a little longer than 24 hours, but it will only last for 24 in your time zone.  Start posting your pitches at 00:00 26th Jan your time and finish at 23:59 26th Jan your time. It couldn't be easier. Don't worry about time zones.